Balabolka是一個文字轉語音(tts)的程式。balabolka可以使用電腦系統上安裝的所有語音。屏幕上的文字可以被保存為一個wav,mp3,ogg或者wma文件。該軟件可以讀取剪貼板的內容,可以查看doc,epub,fb2,odt,pdf,rtf和html文件中的文本,可自定義字體和背景顏色,控制從系統托盤閱讀或者使用熱鍵。 Balabolka使用微軟的語音api(sapi)的各種版本,它可以改變語音的參數,包括語度和語調。用戶可以應用特殊的替代清單,以提高語音的清晰度質量。當你想改變的單詞拼寫時這個功能就非常有用。糾正發音規則使用vbscript的語法
• The user can apply a special substitution list to improve the quality of the voice’s articulation. This feature is useful when you want to change the spelling of words. The rules for the pronunciation correction use the syntax of regular expressions.
• Balabolka can save the synchronized text in external LRC files or in MP3 tags inside the audio files. When an audio file is played with players on a computer or on modern digital audio players, the text is displayed synchronously (at the same way, as lyrics for songs). The on-screen text can be saved as a WAV, MP3, MP4, OGG or WMA file.
• Supported Languages: English, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:可攜版 (FREE)
檔案大小:20.1 MB
介面語言:多國語言 (繁體中文)
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)