Print.Test.Page.OK 是一款測試頁列印工具,可讓您檢測印表機和墨水匣的效能。這一工具提供兩個測試頁並可自訂色彩漸層,可讓您隨時測試印表機的顏色,無論彩色雷射印表機或是噴墨印表機皆適用。誠然,彩色印表機最重要的當然是顏色,透過測試頁的列印可對色彩進行正確的測試和評估,俾快速找到任何偏差,測出有問題的碳粉匣或墨水匣或印表機,對於剛買不久的新品或仍在保固期限內的舊品,即可將其寄回或聯絡原廠做必要的處理或更換。
Print.Test.Page.OK is an alternative portable test page printout for all Windows operating systems and can be very helpful!
The small alternative test page printing tool is really very small and can lead you to your goal without great IT expertise or expertise in relation to printing technology and that's just a test page printout. Correct printing is very important, especially for new printers. With faulty printers you should not wait so long until the existing guarantee expires, which is not only very important for expensive printers!
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:免安裝 (FREE VERSION)
檔案大小:406 KB
介面語言:多國語言 (繁體中文)
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)