ColorConsole 是一款進階版命令提示字元工具,它為您的黑白命令提示符或Windows控制台或MSDOS提示添加選項卡,功能和一點顏色。另外ColorConsole 還具有分頁、搜尋、匯出、複製. ... 等功能。
ColorConsole This Tool for Windows is suitable for system administrators on Windows, such as webmasters, who repeatedly start various commands in the Windows command prompt. The alternative command prompt has a quick export to RTF or HTML document function, so the "ColorConsole" is for system administrators and webmasters and people who deal with the Windows Standard Console ergo Command Prompt.
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:免安裝 ()
檔案大小:297 KB
介面語言:多國語言 (繁體中文)
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)