Avira Rescue System 是一款由Avira小紅傘推出的免費系統救援光碟,可掃描並修復受感染的作業系統。它還包括一個註冊表編輯器,用於修改作業系統的各種配置設定。即使您不懂技術,您也會發現該工具易於使用,因為嚮導會引導您完成掃描和修復過程。
您的簡單工作是下載Avira Rescue System並在未感染病毒的電腦上建立可啟動 USB 或 DVD 光碟機(稱為啟動媒體)。完成後,您可以透過使用此啟動媒體啟動受感染的電腦來清理它。
The Avira Rescue System offers you a downloadable ISO file to create a bootable CD. After you have created a bootable CD, you can boot your computer with the CD and start the Avira Rescue System. You can also download the Rescue System as an executable .exe file that contains already a burner. The Avira Rescue System can help you to restore and repair your system after a serious crash or an infection. The Avira Rescue System offers several features to restore your system, e.g. virus and malware removal and registry modification. Furthermore, it offers tools to save your data to a hard disk or USB drive.
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:安裝版 (FREE)
檔案大小:1.86 GB
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)