CrystalDiskMark 它是一個測試你的硬碟或者存儲設備的小巧工具,簡單易於操作的界面讓你隨時可以測試你的存儲設備,測試存儲設備大小和測試數字都可以選擇,還可測試可讀和可寫的速度。
CrystalDiskMark can measure sequential reads/writes speed, measure random 512KB, 4KB, 4KB (Queue Depth=32) reads/writes speed, has support for different types of test data (Random, 0Fill, 1Fill), includes basic theme support and has multilingual support (though it will not yet remember your language selection between runs).
官方網站:Home Page
檔案大小:2.78 MB
介面語言:多國語言 (繁體中文)
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)