Advanced SystemCare Ultimate - 結合了頂級的防病毒功能,以及已經過驗證的全面PC調整功能的多功能系統優化軟體。 它採用一鍵式方法來幫助保護,修復,清潔和優化您的PC。 基於排名第一的 BitDefender 防病毒技術和IObit反惡意軟體引擎,它是IObit防病毒項目的一部分,致力於為我們的用戶提供更多更好的增值服務。 憑藉其針對病毒,間諜軟件和網絡釣魚攻擊的實時防護,強大的調整和清理功能,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 可提供始終在線,自動化和一體化的防護,以抵禦各種安全威脅,系統速度變慢, 凍結和崩潰。 它可確保PC安全,並在不降低系統速度的情況下自動維護最高的電腦性能。
IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 與其他安全軟體兼容,如防病毒,反惡意軟體,防火牆等。
• Based on Dual engine: the award-winning BitDefender anti-virus engine and IObit anti-malware engine
• Defends against possible virus infection, while speeds up PC rapidly in the meantime
• Scans and detects more threats, proven by generally recognized testing organization
• Fast scanning ability provides reliable protection against viruses, spyware and other threats
• Real-time and proactive protection detects and stops all kinds of malicious behavior
• Rapid virus database updates provides high-level of detection and keep your protection current
• Scans and removes spyware and adware with the latest definition
• Prevents spyware, hijackers and malicious websites with Surfing Protection Technology
• Monitors PC performance in Real-time with Performance Monitor
• Erases the history of all activities in your computer
• Scans and fixes invalid and improper registry entries
• Detects and removes invalid startup items
• Searches and Cleans up unused Windows garbage
• Repairs system configurations, Eliminates System Bottlenecks and Prevents Crashes
• Tunes up Windows to improve both system and Internet performance, unleashes the power of your
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:可攜版 (FULL)
檔案大小:127 MB
介面語言:多國語言 (繁體中文)
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)