自動檢測應用程序更新工具-SUMo 是一款免費的程式更新軟體,它會自動檢測使用者的系統中安裝了哪一些應用軟件,並且通過與在線的數據庫比對來判斷是否要提醒使用者更新系統上所安裝的軟件。讓使用者能夠將計算機中所安裝的軟件版本持續保持在最新的狀態,不僅能夠享受新版本所帶來的新功能,也可以避免受到舊有版本所可能存在的潛藏危險所困擾
Automatically scan the PC for installed apps:
• Although it may sound a bit complicated, SUMo automatically scans your computer and analyzes the installed applications to determine up-to-date tools, along with minor and major updates.
• There is also the option to perform the whole job manually by simply dragging and dropping an executable file over the main window, or by indicating a custom drive or directory, thus letting SUMo conduct a scan and check for updates.
Clean and intuitive interface:
• The interface is quite straightforward and intuitive, showing all the installed apps and their versions, together with available update versions for outdated utilities.
• Plus, there are dedicated buttons at the bottom of the main window to check, scan, add, remove or ignore programs, so it’s easy to manage everything.
Evaluation and conclusion:
• However, our tests revealed some issues. While SUMo worked with most popular programs, it failed to detect updates for others. Plus, “false positives” emerge every once in a while and although you’re informed that a new update is available, this is not the case.
• Of course, you need an Internet connection to use SUMo and although some users complain that it’s terribly slow, speed was not a problem during our tests. CPU and RAM consumption was reasonable too.
• To sum things up, SUMo may prove to be quite a practical software solution that could become a must-have for many experienced users out there looking to quickly update programs. Just keep an eye out for glitches.