SOS Security Suite 是一款系統安全軟體,該軟件採用了UVK全新技術打造,是可以徹底擺脫廣告以及間諜軟件的侵入,為你的系統硬件提供一個非常好的保護環境,SOS Security Suite 還提供了一個系統檢測模塊以及一個全新優化系統,讓系統擁有最佳的安全性,性能可靠性。
S.O.S. Security Suite is a free, user friendly application that helps you to get rid of Malware, Adware and Spyware, and also prevent from being infected. There is also a hardware and security flaws detection element and a system optimization module. All these features together bring you what the application's initials stand for: A Safer and Optimal System.
It also provides you with a threat scan. In addition, it has a System Immunization and Execute section that will prevent work by preventing threats from being executed instead of just blocking them when they are being performed. You can also whitelist apps easily.
SOS's interface is easy-to-navigate but packed with valuable features and includes a link to an online help section if you get stuck. S.O.S Security Suite appears to be by all accounts a decent tool in the ongoing fight against malware, etc.
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:可攜版 (PORTABLE)
檔案大小:15.8 MB
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (64位元)