瀏覽器綁架移除工具 - Adware Removal Tool,專為移除瀏覽器首頁綁架而設計的免費軟體,支援Google Chrome、Internet Explorer、Firefox、Mozilla Firefox等主流瀏覽器。
This tool is specially designed for the threats who hijack your browser and show you unwanted ads. These hijackers make you more vulnerable to malware and adware. Adware Removal tool can easily clean these hijackers from Internet Explorer, Firefox and chrome browsers. This is free to use tool.
This tool is specially designed for the threats who hijack your browser and show you unwanted ads. These hijackers make you more vulnerable to malware and adware. Adware Removal tool can easily clean these hijackers from Internet Explorer, Firefox and chrome browsers. This is free to use tool.