Acrylic Wifi 是一套功能強大而介面直覺的WiFi分析工具。可用以診斷802.11a/b/g/n/ac無線網路,即時搜尋與辨識基地台、中繼端與客戶端,分析連線狀況。藉由仔細的WiFi分析,找出軟體上、設定方面、或物理連線上的問題,不需要購買與裝設額外硬體,就能增加您的WiFi覆蓋範圍、改善WiFi傳輸效能。
Acrylic Wifi 檢測所有 802.11/a/b/g/n/ac 網絡,並通知您每個網絡的“MAC 地址”、“信道”、“WEP”、“WAP”或“WAP2”類型,以及相應的信號強度.上下文菜單選項可幫助您將密碼或 WPS PIN 號碼與每個檢測到的接入點相關聯。
Acrylic WiFi is a Free WiFi scanner that displays WiFi access points and connected devices, shows information of the security mechanisms, and obtains generic WiFi passwords thanks to a plugins system. This WiFi scanner is able to gather information from 802.11/a/b/g/n/ac networks. The most advanced WiFi Free Scanner within the market is now available for Windows 10/8/7/Vista. Discover Acrylic WiFi unique features that you won’t see in any other wireless scanners nor network analysis software.
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:可攜版 ()
檔案大小:6.57 MB
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)