TraceRouteOK是一款簡易實用的網路數據監測軟體,介面簡潔,體積小巧,功能全面,方便地找到你與目標主機的路由,判定網路故障,幫您有效的解決問題。 利用TraceRoute指令可以查出由本機連至網路主機的所有節點,通常運用於主機網路連線問題的疑難排解;只要在這個小工具輸入要偵測的主機網域名稱或IP,就可以執行TraceRoute命令,並可以將結果匯出為HTML報告,有需要的小夥伴快來下載吧!
Traceroute track the path that your data travels over the WWW, internet, or the local network.
There are many programs of this type, but this is optimized for fast list of data track and quick query of the data route. This free tool shows you the IP address and the corresponding computer ergo host name for all nodes, and measuring transit delays. This can also help you to identify incorrect routing of the data in local network and to see some information about network infrastructure.