Opera 為來自挪威的一個極為出色的瀏覽器,具有速度快、節省系統資源、訂制能力強、安全性高以及體積小等特點,目前已 經是最受歡迎的瀏覽器之一。多文件接口(MDI)、方便的縮放功能、整合搜索引擎、鍵盤截徑與鼠標瀏覽功能、當機時下次可以從上次瀏覽進度開始、防止 pop-up、Fullscreen、對HTML標準的支持、整合電子郵件與新聞群組以及讓使用者自訂接口按鈕、skin、工具列等的排列方式,都是 Opera多年來備受喜愛的特殊功能。
對於對互聯網技術有進一步研究的用戶,Opera也是一個不可多得的好工具,包括HTML的標準驗證、支持 WML(WAP)、可以創建關連視窗、顯示視窗大小等功能,對於設計網頁的工作者助益很大。而Opera精心為視障用戶設計的一系列功能,也是一個特點。 另外值得一提的是,Opera除了在Windows外,也支持Linux、Mac等桌面操作系統,值得拭目以待。另外在歐美推出的Nokia 9210i當中,也內建的Opera在Symbian操作系統的瀏覽器,足見Opera在瀏覽器技術的實力。
• The Heart button: In Opera UI We have freshen up our heart. There is a new one on the right side of the address bar. Now it’s more intuitive, you do not have to “learn” icons, just click on the new heart to open a menu. Try to add your favorite page to any of Stash, Speed Dial or the bookmarks bar and you will see the heartbeat.
• Bookmarks: Now you can quickly enable or disable the bookmarks bar by selecting Show bookmark bar. If you want to bookmark a page, click the heart icon, found on the right side of the combined address and search bar. We think it’s cool that Opera now suggests a thumbnail for your new bookmarks. There are a few suggestions and you can change the image if you think another works better for you.
• Integrated PDF viewer: Opera has integrated a fast PDF Viewer directly into the browser so you can keep reading without changing applications.
• Web notifications: Notifications are a convenient way for webpages to inform their users about events, such as the delivery of email or a comment posted on a blog. Opera 35 has the Web notifications as native to your system as possible: You will receive them as normal Windows or Mac notifications.
• Support for H.264 and MP3: H.264 video and MP3 Audio is widely used on the internet. With Opera 35 you will have native access to such content.
• Syncing Bookmarks with Android: If you install Opera browser for Android mobile and Opera 35 on your computer, you can see cross-device syncing in action. Go ahead! Make some bookmarks on your computer and see them appear on your Android phone.
• Sync open tabs between computers: In Opera for computers, you can now sync your open tabs.
• MSE+MP3 on developer stream: MSE Audio now works from within Opera, enabling playback from Google Play Music and similar services.
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:可攜版 (PORTABLE)
檔案大小:179 MB
介面語言:多國語言 (繁體中文)
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (64位元)