Iperius Backup 是一款功能強大的檔案備份與同步工具,提供靈活且豐富的功能來滿足所有備份需求。它可將檔案和資料夾複製到任何大容量儲存裝置,如 NAS、RDX 裝置、外部 USB 磁碟機以及網路上的電腦,且提供 AES 256 位元加密及 Zip 64 壓縮技術,支援增量備份、FTP/SFTP 和雲端備份 (Dropbox、Google Drive、OneDrive、Amazon S3 和 Azure Storage)、磁碟區陰影複製 (VSS)、網路認證及執行外部程式和腳本,且可做鏡像備份、檔案和資料夾同步等等。
Iperius Backup is available as a free download from our software library. This is a feature-rich application that comes bundled with intuitive options for file and folder backups. It is geared toward all types of users, regardless of their level of experience.
You can get started by creating a new backup job for files, folders, drives, Windows drive images, FTP downloads, as well as SQL, Oracle, MySQL and PostreSQL databases.
It is possible to create exclusion lists, enable a user account for network access, and add destinations in directories, tapes, Cloud and FTP.
In addition, you can include hidden and system files, record all program activity to a log file, display the backup operation in progress, select the ZIP compression mode, as well as edit properties for normal copy operations (e.g. always copy and set the date and time of files).
Iperius Backup features task scheduling and email notifications with complex filters. For example, you can specify multiple mail recipients and hidden recipients, as well as trigger the action only in particular scenarios (e.g. backup completed successfully, at least one file copied).
Furthermore, the program allows users to set apps or other external files for execution before and after the backup job is done. The computer may be scheduled to automatically shut down when the job is completed. Restoring files is simple, since all you have to do is point out the source item.
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:可攜版 (PORTABLE)
檔案大小:117 MB
介面語言:多國語言 (繁體中文)
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)