Beyond Compare 是一款不可多得的專業級的資料夾和文件對比工具,使用它可以很方便地對比出兩個資料夾或者文件的不同之處,相差的每一個字節用顏色加以表示,查看方便,支持多種規則對比,使用Beyond Compare只需使用簡單而強大的命令和操作,即可開啟最優質的對比體驗,找出您感興趣的差異,合併變化,然後同步文件,並生成報告,用戶可以從Windows、Mac OSX和Linux工作站直接訪問FTP網站、媒體設備、WebDAV資源,SVN存儲庫和雲存儲,Beyond Compare包含多種數據類型的內置比較瀏覽器,除了文本之外,還可以進行表格、圖片、二進制文件、註冊表的比較。
• Ability to compare MP3 data
• Ability to queue tasks
• Ability to compare data files
• Ability to compare version information – Ability to compare text files
• Ability to merge code changes
• Ability to compare binary volume and content
• Folders comparable
• Multiple connections at once
• Support for FTP protocols such as SFTP and FTP over SSL
• Compare output output
• Support syntax
• Filterability To compare files and folders
• Supports file names and contents Unicode
• Ability to update websites
• Ability to undo unlimited storage after saving
• Update and apply changes to selected folders
• Full management of files on the hard disk and compare
官方網站:Home Page
檔案類型:安裝版 ()
檔案大小:31.9 MB
系統需求:Windows 7/8/10/11 (32及64位元)